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Sunday 11 August 2024

Pirate Printing in Camberwell.....

We got up early today because we're going on an adventure!!

Only five minutes for our bus!

And we got off at the train station!

And our train was ready waiting for us!!

They got a CD tied to the rail!!

And we're off!!

And we got off here at Blackfriars!!!

We used the facilities and left a floppy disc on the door!  Then we washed our paws carefully.

And then it was out and about!

Now then, where's our bus stop?

Aha!  There it is!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got the number 40!

They got a CD!

Ooo there's a big muriel over there!!

And funny animals in the shop window!

There's some grafitti over there!

We got off at Denmark Hill Station and they've got a water wheel made out of buckets!!

There's the station entrance just past that tree

And the Salvation Army building is opposite!  We then met up with a bunch of people and we all went pirate printing!!!  One of them was local to the area and had a map showing all the fancy ones.

We found this one first.  A few of us did a print of this one

Including us!!

This one was a "pass"

This one was a small one and a few people thought they wanted a print of it.  

We did a trial print and the words printed out  back to front!  So people changed their minds about it.

This one was another "pass" because it's words rather than image.

This one a few people did prints off, and it came out really well!

We were undecided about this one....

We liked this one but figured maybe another time!!

A lot of us liked this one!!

This is our print of it.

This was another "pass"

We might come back for this one!!
By now, we were all hot and thirsty and it was lunchtime too, so we stopped for a cold drink and a cayke and then said our goodbyes.  It was fun seeing them!

We went up to Camberwell Green to get our bus and left a floppy disc on the railing.

Right, now where's the bus stop then?

At the entrance to the green, we found another one with pigeons on it!!! I wanna do a print of this one as well!!!

And then we found this one, too!

Aha!  Here's our bus stop!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got the number 40 again!

Where are we going?

We got off near Blackfriars Bridge....

Aha, here are the stairs!

We left another CD outside Blackfriars Station!
(Ed's Note: this one has already been claimed!!)

It's pretty round here!!!

There's the Tate Modern!

Let's see what's going on!!

There's a new installation in the turbine hall!

This looks fun!!

There's an area at the back where you can go and paint a muriel!  But there's a queue and we were starving ravenous hungry because we hadn't had lunch yet, so we decided eating was more important than waiting around to paint

So we left again and left a CD here

And a floppy disc here.

And then walked on a bit further.....

Until we came to Tas Pide again!

We got a fizzy drink.

And some hummus with warm flatbread

And some grilled chicken with spinach and onions and we used some of the bread to soak up the yummy sauce!!

Ahh, that's better!!!  We left another CD outside and then walked back towards Blackfriars

We spotted some more street art!

And a little mosaic!

Then we walked back up to Blackfriars Bridge again

And found the next bus stop!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got the number 63!!!

We gave them a CD as well!!

Then we crossed over the Thames

There's some posh buildings round here.

That's the Piano Works.

And we got off here at the last stop!!

It's time to go home!!!

What a fun day out!

We used the facilities and left a floppy disc on the door.  Then we washed our paws carefully
(Ed's note: this one's been claimed already too!)

Our train is due in about 5 minutes, excellent!

And we got a window seat too!!

We arrived at Blackfriars Station, back where we started our day!

There's the Shard!!

We didn't stop at London Bridge but we went past some interesting buildings.

Almost home.....

And here we are!!

And not long for the bus!

We got off at the last stop and walked home.
What fun!

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