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Monday 5 August 2024

A Road Trip to Roehampton and Putney

Andrea had a day off today and we're on an expedition!!

First we walked up to the station....

And waited for our train!!

It was heaving busy so although we got a seat, it was all too squished to take many photos!!

At Gatwick, we could see a plane coming in to land....

AHA!!  That's Battersea Power Station!!

We used the facilities at the station and left them a CD.  And washed our paws carefully.

Now then...... what bus are we getting??

We went round to this bus stop.....

And got the 170 bus!!!  (It went further than Clapham Junction though)

We gave them a floppy disc!

That's the National Army museum.....

And Chelsea Physic Garden!! (we also went past Chelsea Barracks where the Dale Chihuly glass expedition is!)

And then we went along the Thames.

And crossed over Battersea Bridge!

Oooo we've never been down here before!

Battersea High Street is very pretty..... they got a really old Post Box too but we were too slow on the camera!

Oh that's posh....

So's that!!


Oh, a faded advertisement!

Umm...... don't think they're open....

There's another posh building....

Head injury charity, apparently.

And a church....

There's the Green Man pub in Putney!  We've been there before!!

And then a horse drawn hearse went past the other way!  The horses even had those black feather plumes on their head!!  (again, slow on the camera!)

And then we got off at the very last stop!  At Roehampton!!!

That's a really nice bus ride, that one!!!

All we had to do then was cross the road to the bus stop up there...

We left a god card on the info board!

And then we got a 170 the other way!!!

They got a floppy disc too!

We got off here at Putney Green Man...... we're going somewhere for lunch now because we're hungry!

Now then...... which bus are we getting?

They got a god card too!

AHA!  BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We're getting the number 14!!

We gave them a floppy disc!

And we got off here outside Putney Train Station!!

We had a bit of a wander round to see where we could have lunch.  We saw that fancy art deco building!

Oh, the Fox And Hound pub!

They do burgers!

....but they're closed.....

So we went in there instead!

We got half a pint of Camden Hells lager.

And a smash burger and fries!

Now THAT is yummy!

After lunch we went to another bus stop... apparently the 424 goes back to the Green Man

So we got on......

....and gave them a god card.....

And found that it went round the Essex House estate and then ended up somewhere completely different nowhere near the Green Man pub.  Hmmphff.  Andrea's good at this getting lost lark....!  Anyway, we left a CD on this railing and then backtracked a bit to the previous bus stop.  There's lots of blackberry bushes round there, we should've taken a tub to fill up!!

We found our way to this bus stop...

And picked up the 170 bus again!!!

They got a floppy disc as well. 

Oh here we are!!  This is the Putney Green Man stop!!

We spotted some tents on the way back.

And some grafitti!

And Clapham Junction train station!!

Didn't know this was quite as close to Victoria Station!!

We saw another fancy building

And some modern ones!

You can spot the Thames!

We spotted an interesting sculpture of a swan on the other side of the road, when we came past here this morning.....

We're crossing over the Thames again!

Oh posh!

There's a statue of Thomas Moore over there.  Or it might be Thomas Cromwell....


Oh i know where we are now!!!

And we got off at the last top outside Victoria Train Station!!!

We used the facilities again and left another CD.

And then went to get our train!  We got a window seat with a table (HURRAH!!) and this train got packed like sardines too.

And we're off!!

We're crossing the Thames again!!

Nearly home....

And we're back!!!  Just a bit of a walk home now.

Half way home, we saw a lady wearing a seriously sparkly coat!!!  We thought of mugging her for it but we'd get arrested if we did that so we let her keep it.  
Probably for the best.
It's too big for a mouse anyway......

1 comment:

  1. But just think of how many mouse coats could be made out of that sparkly coat?? Hundreds!!
