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Saturday 1 June 2024

Riding the Buses.....

After we did our food shopping this morning, Andrea said we were going somewhere!!

So first stop was the bus stop.....

we left a light card on the info board!

And then we ended up at the train station!  Excellent!

We didn't have to wait long for our train either, and we got a window seat!

We left another light card here too!

And we're off...!

Oooo there's the Shard over there!!


Definallt the Shard!

We're going over Borough Market now!

And then into Blackfriars Station, but we didn't get off here!

We got off here!!

OoOoo they got new window displays!!

LET'S GO IN!!!  (We'll show you later!)

After we did our shopping, we went out onto the Euston Road.

And had a short walk to somewhere.

We came here for lunch!  HURRAH!

We got a fizzy drink....

And an enormous piece of fish and some chips!!

We like their wall hangings here too....

After we had lunch, we walked back to the Euston Road leaving more light cards along the way.

We left one here too....

And then we went to our first bus stop

yep, the info board got a light card too!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  We got the number 46 bus!!

We like leaving stuff for people to find!!

And we're off!

We're going a long way....

And went past some posh buildings!

We suddenly thought we'd gone too far so we got off here.....

And found another manhole cover!

We had to walk somewhere but weren't too sure how to get there.  But we went down to Hatton Gardens - there was a giant diamond heist here a few years ago!  ENORMOUS!!

Oh, look at that!

Oh wow!!

That's a church over there, I think....

What's a Maxim gun?  Oh....... it was the first fully automatic machine gun ever invented.  And he got a bloo plark for that??  Huh.

OH!!  Now THAT's a fancy building!!!  Looks a bit like Egyptian Revival art deco......

And it's got a war memorial too

Oh that's weird!!

By now we'd got properly lost so we decided to get a bus somewhere instead.  So we got the number 63 bus!!

And we're off!!

And we got off here - I KNOW WHERE WE ARE NOW!!!!

It's Ludgate Circus!!  That's St Pauls Cathedral up there, that's where we were aiming for!!

And that modern building in the distance is near the Tate Modern!

So then we headed over to this bus stop

We left a light card here too!!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got a number 76 bus!!

And they also got a light card!!

And we're off again!

And we got off here at Aldwych!

We left another card here!

That's Bush House over there.

And we found another bloo plark!

And we ended up at Covent Garden!

We stopped for coffee because our legs were tired from all the walking.

After we'd recovered, we had another wander round

And headed back to the bus stop.

Yep, you guessed it!!


They got a card as well!

Oh wow, that's a posh building!

So's that one!


We got off here and then waited for the last bus of the day!

BUS BINGO ALERT!  It's the number 91!!!

They got one as well!

Not far to go now.....

And then we got off here, it's time to go home!!

We had to wait a bit for the train because they'd run our of train crew.

But we're on a train home, hurrah!

There's the Shard again!

And we're heading home!

Ta-da!  What a fun day!

AND there's a bus waiting for us too!!

We got off here and whizzed home!

And we got coffee for the morning!!!
What a fun day out!!


  1. That was a most excellent day out! Sometimes it's fun to get lost because then you discover new, cool things! Those new light cards are beary cool!

  2. I got 2 more Bingos!!! A diagonal line with the C1 from May 19 and a vertical line with the 91 from June 1!

    1. I think you need a new bingo card, don't you?
