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Friday 24 May 2024

Crossbones and a puzzle.....

As it was such a nice day today, we decided to go out.

First stop was the bus stop.....

Which dropped us off at the train station!!

We didn't have to wait long for our train, and we got a window seat too!!

We left them a tag tied to the hand rail!

.....interesting shadows......

And we're off!!!

Wonder where we're going....

Oh hang on, is that the Shard over there???!

Oh!!  We got off the train here!!

At London Bridge!!

So..... what's our expedition today then, Jeeves?

We left another tag here.....

Then we walked past the Shard.  that's a big building, that is!

Science gallery??

Oh that's fancy!

Oh!!  Directions are on the floor!  That's handy for mice!

Tate is that way.....

And the library is that way.

There's Borough Market over there!!!  But we're not going there.

We left another tag here....

There's another faded advertisement on that building!!

And then we arrived here..... it's Crossbones Graveyard!!  And they're open today from 12 noon!!

We tied a light card to their main gate.

And then went and looked at the fence down the side.

We've left stuff tied here before.
It's always so pretty 

There's even a mouse living there!!  Hope he gets enough to eat.


We left a floppy disc here....

And a CD here.

Interesting place.

we put a light card here too

There were some information boards nearby

We still had a few minutes to go before 12 noon so we had a bit of a wander.

That building's an old Mission.

With a weird door handle!!!

And that's the door bell!!

There's the Shard again.

And at 12 noon, they opened the front gates!!!

That's a little pond/stream there but it's covered in algae.....

That's the donation box.  We put some of our pocket money in.

Ooo, bird house!

Oh!  Not a terracotta army but a ceramic army?  In red hoods?

That's the trans angel.

It's new here.

There's the inside of the decorated fence.

And another altar.

That looks like a Christian altar perhaps.....

We tied another tag here too

Another smaller altar.... we like these little altars.

There's bug hotels too.  The lower ones look like coffins.

They have a mini pyramid covered in oyster shells.

And lots of wild flowers.

That's from the Mexican embassy.  

And we're back to the main entrance/exit.

We like it here.  It's pretty.

Afterwards we came here for lunch.

We had some warm bread, something to dip it into and some olives.  And a fizzy drink!!

Then we had a Chicken shish, couscous and a salad all of which we completely demolished!!!

We used their facilities and left them a tag,

They've got a nice door here...

Very nice.

Then we came back this way to find the first of our bus stops.

And left another tag here on teh way!

It's an interesting part of London, this is!

They got graffiti in Bear Gardens!!!

There's the Shard again!

And here's our bus stop!

we left a light card in the info board.

BUS BINGO ALERT!!! And then got the 344 bus!!!  But we weren't going to Clapham.

They got a tag as well

And then we went over London Bridge!

And spotted a strange sculpture in the street!

And we got off at the last top - it's round the back of Liverpool Street Station

They got a poppy!!

Then we walked round to the front of the station.

And down to Spitalfields

And did some more pirate printing!!  (we'll show you later!)

We left another poppy here....

And then had a bit of a stroll down the road and found some more grafitti!

We found another manhole cover in Puma Court....

And this one as well!!!  The puzzle being what is this a picture of?
Can you tell?

Then it was back to find the next bus stop

Aha, there it is!!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the 149!!

They got a light card!

And we got off here to change buses, from this stop here.

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the 205!

Where are we going now?

We went past this statue!

And down here....

And we got off here at St Pancras!

It's time to go home.... what a fab day out!!

So...... just walk down here....

And it's less than 10 minutes for our train.

And we got a window seat again!

They got a light card too!!

We're coming into Blackfriars Station here....

And then going towards London Bridge, where we started!

And then through the countryside.....

The South Downs are through there....

No, really, they are!

And finally we're here back in Brighton!!

And there was a bus already waiting outside so we jumped on board pronto!!

And got off at the last stop!!

And we saw some pretty flowers on the way home!

This one's going to be a cushion cover....

And then we did this one.  
What a fun day out!!

1 comment:

  1. Another excellent adventure! Cemetery of outcasts... fascinating! And there is a Bear Gardens place in London???!! Cool! Those pirate prints turned out good!
