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Sunday 19 May 2024

Glass, flowers and paella

We got up really early today....

....because we're going somewhere!!

We left a light card on the hand rail!

AHA!!  We're getting the train!!

We used the facilities and left another light card on the door!!

And then went and got our train!!  We got a window seat too!

And then we tied a god card to the table!!

Love this bit.....

OOoooo there's Battersea Power Station over there!!

We're going over the Thames!!

We got off the train and then used the facilities again....left them a wonderful card and then washed our paws carefully.....

And then we were off to find the first bus of the day!!

AHA!!  Here we go!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  It's the 211!

We tied a CD to the rail.

After a while, we got off here and Andrea didn't know where to go.  She's only piggin' got us lost again!!!

We walked back to the Kings Road and had a look at the maps app on her phone.

Then we eventually managed to find out where we're supposed to be....

And went back to another bus stop!!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the number 11

We gave them a light card!

And we got off here and had a little walk down the road

We're at Chelsea Barracks!!!

There's some Dale Chihuly glass installations here!  Oh how fun!


Oh there's a funky tree down there.  It's not a Dale Chihuly though....


It's nice here...

Oh wow!

Oh we like this!


Oh I like this.....

Oh!  I remember these from Kew Gardens!!!

we made a little video of it!

And another one!

After we had a good nose round, we wandered back to the bus stop.

A lot of the shops and restaurants were decorating their entrances with loads of flowers.

We think that the Chelsea Flower Show is going to be on soon

Oh those are pretty....

There's our bus stop!!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  It's the number 11!!

We gave them a CD

That's yellow.....

They've got oranges and lemons there!


Oh wow, that's a bit wacky!!

We're at the World's End!!

And here we are at Fulham!!  That's the town hall over there.

We had a little walk down the road and came across this place, it's a Spanish tapas restaurant.
We're hungry, let's go eat!!!

We had a grown up drink today.  Andrea had to make up for getting us lost this morning.

Seafood paella!!!  Wow that looks fab!!


That was a really good lunch that was!!  El Metro?  We'll have to put that on our bus guides, it's defo worth knowing about this place!

And then we made our way to another bus stop - and we were given a freebie!! (we'll show you later!)

We left a light card on the bus info board.

BUS BINGO CARD!! It's the number 14!!

We gave them a floppy disc!

And we're off!

We went past Chelsea football club

Think there's a match on today!!

Looks busy enough....!

Oh look!!

That's Brompton Cemetery!!  We've been there!!

Oooo manhole cover!!

And we got off here.... do you know where we are?

Can you guess??!!

There's Pierino's over there, that's a good restaurant, that is!

Oh!  Haha!

That's the V&A!!  We're at South Kensington!!

We decided to pop into the V&A to have a look in their gift shop

And had another look at their chandalier!!

That's fab that is!! 

After a spot of shopping (we'll show you later) we went back to the next bus stop

And left a god card on the bus info board!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the C1!!

We left them a floppy disc!

There's Horrids over there!

Ooo that looks slightly Vettriano!

And then we suddenly got off at Sloane Square because we wanted to see what they were building in it!

We backtracked a little

That's where they're building something!!!

Oooo!!  Christmas deccies!!

Oh wow..... tons of flowers!


Oh wow, that looks fun!

Then we walked back to the bus stop.... even the mexican restaurant is joining in the flower theme!!


We left our last CD on the railings here

And waited at the bus stop for the next bus

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the C1 again!!

they got a light card

and we're off....

Their decorations have got playing cards in them!


And we got off at the last top, Victoria Station!

Just in time to get the next train home!

We tied another light card to the table

And we're off!!!  There's Battersea Power station again!

And we're back!!

Then it was just a short wait at the bus stop for the last bus of the day!

And we got off at the last stop!!

Right ho..... so this is our freebie that we picked up in Fulham!

And we got soap, cookies, badges and a magnet at the V&A.  We reckon the badges and magnet are going to be bingo prizes

And then we got a bunch of cards too
What a fab day out!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! That was a seriously fab day out! The sculptures at the barracks look pretty cool - the yellow/orange/red one looks like a tree! You're really having some excellent adventures lately!
