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Sunday 12 May 2024

More pirate printing!!

We got up really early today which is weird for a Sunday.....

But it turns out we're going somewhere!!

We got a bus and gave them a floppy disc!!

AHA!!  We're getting a train somewhere!

Oooo and a window seat to boot!  Excellent!

We tied a CD here!

Love this bit....!!

We came into Blackfriars Station but we didn't get off.

We got off here!!!

Gosh it's so sunny today!  How fab is that?!?!

We used the facilities and left another floppy disc on the door.  Then we washed our paws carefully.

And went out onto the Euston Road.  Where next Jeeves.

Aha!!!  First bus stop of the day.....

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got the 205!!

They got a floppy disc too!!

And we're off!!

And we got off here!!

We're going to Spitalfield Market to do some more pirate printing!!

We're meeting here at the goat statue.

When she arrived, we walked down the road and chose this manhole cover to print off.

She printed on a tote bag and it came out really well!!  Mine's folded up in my backpack so we'll show you later.

We went off for coffee after and then went our separate ways.  We're going this way

Here's our bus stop.....

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  We got the 135!

They got a floppy disc too!

And we're off....

We got off here and we're getting another bus from the same stop!!

ooo...... interesting buildings!!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  We got the number 43!!!

They got a floppy disc too!
(Ed's note: this one's been found already!!)

I remember that statue!!!

And we got off here just after Islington Green!!

We're going here for lunch!!

We got a fizzy drink....

They have really pretty lights in here.....

And then we had moules for lunch!!!  AND fries!!  Yum!

After lunch we went for a bit of a walk and found Moon Street.
So we did.

We spotted some more manhole covers too

That one's pretty.

There's some faded adverts on the wall there.

And a celtic cross headstone too!

That one's rather worn in the middle.....

So's that one!

On the way back to Islington Green, we left a CD here.

And then stopped in to say hello to Bob!

We put another CD on the railings there...

And then headed back to the bus stop.

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  We got the number 30!!

They got a floppy disc!

And we're off!

And we got off the bus here at the station!

That's a glorious building isn't it?

Ahhh, what a lovely day out!

And off we go to get our train!

Oh, not long to wait!  Excellent!

We out our last floppy disc here!

.....back into Blackfriars Station....

Lots of building work round here.....

Ooo there's the Shard!

And here we are back at Brighton!!

And there's a bus waiting for us too!  Huzzah!!

We got off here and then walked home.

That's my pirate print..... accidental overlapping with the first one but hey ho.


  1. Excellent adventure! Those pirate prints are pretty cool. What are you going to do with them??

    1. Ah, now Andrea has A Big Plan for them apparently but she's being a bit cagey as to what it is.....!!

    2. Chintzy... that's what we call that. Hmph. Keeping such info from your very own stuffies... and their friends. Hmph.
