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Sunday 30 June 2024

Tate Modern and Turkish food... and deepest darkest Peckham

We got up early today......

....and we're on an expedition!!!

We left a floppy disc on the bus rail for someone!

AHA!!  We're getting a train!!

They got a wonderful card!!

Wonder where we're going today, then?

Ooo we're off!

Oh wait a minute... what's that in the distance?

I see the Shard!!

We're in London!

We went past London Bridge Station

And got off here!

We used the facilities and left them a CD

And then waited here for a friend to arrive!

We left another CD on the railing!!

That's the Tate Modern over there!!!

And St Paul's Cathedral over there!!  It's a bit murky today.

But it's still pretty!

When our friend arrived, we went to the Tate Modern - we're going to see an expedition!!!!

Let's go in!!!

Up to the third floor - here we go!

That's by somebody called Kandinsky.  He's Russian.

That's by an American artist....

That's another Kandinsky

One of the rooms was about colour, and colour wheels.  It was interesting.

When we came out, we visited the gift shop (I'll show you later) and then used the facilities.  We left them a CD as well and then washed our paws carefully.

That was a really interesting expedition!!  We missed being rained on!

Then we went round to Tas Pide for lunch!

I got a drink....

And that's a Pide!!  (sort of a Turkish Pizza!)

We didn't want any pudding but they gave us a free baklava!!!  YUM!!

After lunch, my friend had to go as he had other stuff to do, so we went and did some decorating!!

We like decorating....

We went back into the Tate to use the facilities again and left them a wonderful card!!!
And washed our paws carefully again!!

And then did some more decorating!!

Then it was off for an adventure!

We stopped to listen to a busker on the way.

And then climbed a small mountain.

And found some pretty flowers!  They had tulips here last time!

AHA!  This is our bus stop!

We left another wonderful card on the info board!!

We just been over there!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  We got the 63!!

They got a floppy disc

We're off!  Wonder where this goes.....?

Ooo there's a big murial there!!

We're at Elephant and Castle!  We've been round here before.....


Pretty little park!!  Interesting part of London, some of it is Middle Eastern and some of it is Afro-Caribbean, some of it is a bit run down and some of it is almost posh.

Makes an interesting journey!

There's another murial!!!  We're in deepest darkest Peckham now.

Mmm.... interesting!

Plenty of parks round here.

This bit's a bit posh

We got off here at the very last stop, just past a fancy church with only one turret.

And an art deco building!!!  Sandy will be pleased!!!

Then we crossed the road to get the bus back

They got a wonderful card as well!!

Here we are!! Didn't have to wait long!!

They got a floppy disc as well!

And we're off!

More fancy town houses

And a weird sculpture - couldn't really make out what it was though!!

Looks like a playing field there

Oooo fancy gates there!

We saw quite a few ladies in really fancy African clothing!!  This outfit had green sparklies on!  It's fab!!

And then some bits are a bit more run down.

That's imposing....

Oh I know where we are now!!  That's Southwark underground station!!

I recognise that building too!!

We're going over Blackfriars Bridge!!

This is Ludgate Circus.....

but then we had a Diversion...

Oh, nearly there!!!

This is the last stop!!!  Handy, huh?!?!

It's time to go home!!

What a fun day out!!

Oo Fortnums...... let's go in!!  (we'll show you later!)

We had a bit of a wait for our train....

And got a seat at the front of the train!  They got a floppy disc as well!!

I got my own chair as well!!

We went past Blackfriars Station...

Lots of building work here.

Love this bit!!

And we're home!!

Then it was a short wait for our last bus of the day

And we gave them the last floppy disc of the day!

We got off at out stop and then whizzed down the road home.

We got some postcards from the art expedition

And some coffee and tea from Fortnums.
I'm exhaustipated now.....

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