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Sunday 23 June 2024

Degas and Miss La La ......!!

We got up really early today and headed out for an expedition......

......where are we going though?  We don't normally come this way.....

Hove Train Station!!!  We're going somewhere!!

We're getting a train!!!!

LET'S GO!!!!!

Hang on..... this is Brighton Train Station.....what are we doing here????  We didn't get up this early just to come to Brighton...

But then we got on another train waiting for us at Brighton Station!!!!!

And we're off!!!

Oh!!  That's Battersea Power Station over there!!!

And we're going over the Thames!!!

When we got into the station, we used the facilities and left a floppy disc on the door.  Then we washed our paws very carefully.....

And we're off!!!

But instead of the main bus bit, we went round the corner of the station to get a bus from here.

 BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got the 26!!!

We gave them a CD!!

We're coming down to Parliament Square now.....

And past Horseguards Parade!!!

And here's Trafalgar Square!!!

We got off at the next stop.....

And left a little card on the info board!

And then we doubled back a bit to Trafalgar Square.  They've got an event going on!!

It's free theatre!  Just for this weekend though.
What fun!!

You can barely see the stage through there....

But we're going in here!!

We had a free ticket printed off for entry, and spoke to a lady outside.  She said well put away your ticket and pretend to be a member and you can go in through the members entrance because it's quicker than the other entrance with the general riffraff!!!  So we thanked her very much and pretended we were members!!!
We're going to finf out about Miss La la la la la....

We've not heard of Miss La la la la la.
Apparently her mum was Polish and her dad was African American and she was born in 1890-something.

Oh wow!!!

Apparently she was a trained gymnast who went to join the circus!!!

And Degas did lots of paintings of circus performers, as did Toulouse-Lautrec and Picasso!!

Oh hang on!!!  We know this painting!!!  THAT'S Miss La la la la la laa!!

After a really good look around and a visit to the gift shop (we'll show you later) we used the facilities and left them a floppy disc.  And washed our paws carefully.

And then we went off for a wander round!

We left another little card here!

Institute for Chinese Medicine, huh?


It's a tea room!!!

Really it is!!

Wiv proper cups and sorcers on the table!  Dilly would like it here!!!

Oh that's pretty!

Fancy brickwork too....

Still don't know what this thing is.....

Now, we know a bear that would like to drink here.....

We had a look round Covent Garden too

And found another manhole cover!!

And we're going here for lunch!!  Hurrah!!

It's changed a bit in here now.  They have those QR code things stuck to the table so you either scan that on your Smartypants phone and order on that or you get a paper menu and order up at the till.  But they only take cash if you have the exact money.

We ordered at the till and got a House Burger with fries!!!
It was YUM!!!

After we completely stuffed our faces, we scooted off and found another manhole cover!

Gotta go down there now.

Fromage??  FROMAGE????  And you didn't bring us to eat here????!!
Actually, one of the shop ladies saw us taking this photo and burst out laughing!!!  Don't think she expected to see two mice outside her Fromage shop!!!

There's another tea shop there....

Aha!  Our next bus stop!!

They got a little card too!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the number 23!!

They got a CD!

We're going back towards Trafalgar Square again now....

That's a bit fancy huh?

And there's Big Ben down there!!

We're going past Fortnum & Mason now!

And we got off here at Marble Arch.  There's homeless people living in tents over there.

We had to walk up to Marble Arch itself - which looks like it's having a clean up.

And then down the other side of Park Lane to this bus stop here.

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the 137!!

They got a CD too!!

We went back down to Constitution Hill

And ended up here..... we've been here before!!!  (well I have, String Beanie hasn't)

It's the Chelsea Barracks!!

We've come to see the Dale Chihuly glass installations!

With some pretty flowers....

I forgot about this little pond....

I also forgot that these were textured/coloured!!

They're so pretty.....!!

And then we wandered off to find the next bus stop!

Here'll do.

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the number 44!!

They got a CD as well!

And we're off!!

But they stopped a bit short of where we supposed to stop.  

But that's OK, it's not far to walk!  We left a floppy disc here

And spotted another manhole cover!

We went back to the train station through the little side entrance as it's quicker.

And didn't have to wait long for our train!!

Oh what a fun day out!

Back over the Thames.....

We figured out how to attach a floppy disc here!!

And we're back!!

Not long for the last bus of the day, either!

We got off here and had a short walk back home!!

We got a book about Miss La la la la la la.

And some postcards too.....
What fun!


  1. Excellent adventure! And I'll have a Sleeman's at the pub... soooo... next time... the Sherlock Holmes Pub and the Canadian beer pub please!

    1. OK, we can do that!!!! (and you need to catch up on the bus guides too!!)
