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Thursday 28 December 2023

In search of snowmen.....

Today, we decided to risk the weather and take a trip somewhere!

First we got a bus and tied a CD to the rail.  Later, a chap decided he wanted to take it!!!

So we tied a floppy disc to the same rail!!!

Then we got off at the last stop, at the train station!!!

Our train was waiting for us so we got on and got a window seat!!!

We tied a CD to the hand rail!!

Oooo is that the Shard in the distance???!

Yep!!  We're going to London!!!

We're going through Blackfriars Station here!!

And we got off here at City Thameslink Station!!!

We used the facilities and left them a floppy disc and then washed our paws carefully.

And then came out of the station here!!  That's St Paul's Cathedral  up there!

We headed up there as we're on the hunt......

We went down here to Carter Lane - that's a Youth Hostel there!!  We stayed there a bunch of times!!

Ooo that's pretty!  Now, we had to find a place called New Bell Yard.....

And after a bit of wandering about, we did!!!  We found Snowman 11!!!

He's 11 Pipers Piping!!  Can you see the bagpipers on him!!!  There's probably more on the back but we didn't get a picture of the back...

Then we had to go down the other end of Carter Lane to find the next one, in somewhere called Playhouse Yard.  This isn't Playhouse Yard.

It's an old Churchyard and still has gravestones in it.

We left a floppy disc on the gate.

We wandered around a bit more and finally found Snowman 10!!

This one is 10 Lords a-leaping!!!  Snowjump leaping!!!

Well, that's Playhouse Yard.

We spotted a Bloo Plarque on a wall.  Blackfriars Priory is very old then.....

Next on the list is somewhere called St Brides Passage.  It's over the main road here and down towards the river a bit.

We had to go past here.....

And past a Premier Inn with a fancy statue outside.

Hmphff.  Google Maps said to go through here but it looks a bit dead-end so we tried another way.....

We spotted another Bloo Plarque on the way!

We found Snowman Nine!!

Nine Ladies Dancing!!

That's a pretty building.....

After that, we made our back almost to where we got off the train, to Ludgate Circus.

We left another CD here.

HUZZAH!!! Here he is!!!  Number seven!!!

Seven Swans a-swimming!!!

There's some pretty decorations further along there....

Right, we're off to fing Gough Square now so we went down Fleet Street in search of it and found a fancy mirror!!

Ooo lots of little alleyways.....

With interesting markers on the pavement.

Ummm.... I think we go along here.....

Oh!!!  We found this one!!!   But it's Snowman four in New Street Square!!

Four calling birds!!!

But then we did a bit more snooping about and found the Snowman we were looking for!!

Snowman eight - eight maids a-milking!!

This is Hodge The Cat!

He lived with Dr Johnson in Gough Square, where we are now.

Ooooo fancy clock.....

Oh, another bloo plark!!

Aha!!  Dr Johnson's house!

It's a little museum now....

Coo - that could be interesting to nose around.

Right ho.  Well we were getting hungry now so we went on the hunt for somewhere to eat.  We found a new manhole cover on the way!!

And then found the Old Bank of England in Fleet Street, next the the Royal Courts of Justice.

Oooooo, it's a restaurant now!!!  LET'S GO IN!!!

We got a fizzy drink....

And a HUMUNGOUS fish and chips!!
And we scoffed the lot, we were that hungry!!!

After lunch, we resumed our search for the remaining snowmen and went down Chancery Lane.  We left a floppy disc here (and it's been claimed already!!)

There's the Law Society over there!!

And we eventually found Snowman one!!!  It's a partridge.... a Pear Tree!!!

Then we managed to find Plough Place (by following other people that had just started the trail!!) and found Snowman Two!!

With Two turtle doves!!

And nearby there at the Retis Building was Snowman three!!!

Three French Hens!!!!  May weeee!!!!

After that, we made our way to Holborn Circus and found Snowman Five!

Five gold rings!!!

Then we had to find somewhere called Stonecutter Street.  We had a heck of a time trying to find it, because Google Maps said there were no directions for it!!!

But we managed to find it - it's Snowman six!!

Six Geese a-laying!!!

Oh wow..... Old building in front of a modern new one!!

Then we just had to find our way to Ludgate Hill and Old Bailey to find the last one.  We've done well today!

That's the central criminal court!

Imposing innit?!

Very posh.

And here's the last one - Snowman Twelve!!

Twelve drummers drumming....

And they're all mice!!!!

This one's my favourite!!!

As we'd been walking all day, we decided to ride the buses for a while before we went home.

We thought we'd have a go at riding the number 8 bus end to end!!!

We gave them a floppy disc!

Ooo there's a giant tree ornament over there!!

And part of London wall!!!

Then all of a sudden we were booted off the bus because it had broken.  So we read this letter while we waited for the next bus.

Hmm.  Well there you are!!

We picked up another number 8.  And we had lots of detours too!!

We gave this bus a CD!

Now that's a big tree...


That was a big sculpture thing that we almost photographed!!

We're going through the east end now....

And then it started getting a bit dark, and we hadn't reached the end of route yet, so we decided to get off and head back towards the station.

We crossed the road and found the bus stop to head back

We didn't have to wait long for the number 8 going the other way!

They got a floppy disc!

OOo OOOoo oooo I think that's an Art Deco building!!!

Bonner Street?  We'll have to look that up.

We're in the Bethnal Green part of London now, and there's loads of sari shops here.  Like gazillions of them!

And we got off here because we spotted that our next bus runs through here!!

We crossed the road again for the next bus stop.....

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  We got the 205!

They got a CD

We went past here.....

Nearly there....

There's a park over there I think....

And we got off here, at St Pancras Station!!

What a fab day out!!!

We're going home now....

We used the facilities and left them a floppy disc..... and washed our paws very carefully.

Right ho, here we are - and our train is the next one!

We found our seat and left a CD on the hand rail!

And we're off!!

We're coming into Blackfriars Station here...

And then going towards London Bridge..... and then we had a good ol' snooze until....

...we arrived at Brighton!  We're home!

Then we just had a short wait for our bus.

They got a CD as well!!!

And we got off here!  It was really blowy windy, so we just ran home and collapsed in a heap!!

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