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Tuesday 20 September 2022

A Big Adventure day three

We had breakfast in bed again this morning!!  We could get used to this!!!

We also had one last cayke to eat too...... saved the chocolate one till last specially for Cocoa!!

Looks like good weather today.  We have to check out of the hotel today but we're not in a rush.  We don't want to run into any last minute stragglers from yesterdays crowds....

So we took our time having tea and packing our stuff up.
We've had a lovely little trip!  Cocoa's never had a little trip away before!!!

And then it was time to head off!!  

We decided to walk to Richmond Station since it isn't that far - saw some nice old buildings on the way too!!

And here we are!!

We're getting the overland mainline train to Waterloo! Cocoa's never done this before either!!

The train was practically empty!!!  And it stopped at Barnes Station - the number 33 bus stops here too, we found that out on Sunday!!!

Ooooo, starting to get some modern buildings now!!

Oh!!  There's Battersea Power Station!!!  The Brighton to Victoria train travels past the other side of that!!!

Vauxhall?  We're nearly there yet??!

Almost!  Our stop's next!!

Here we are at Waterloo Station!!!  They have a new statue here!!

Prince William officially unveiled it last June and it's to do with the Windrush Movement...

That was about people immigrating from the Caribbean to the UK from 1948 onwards.

Then we had to go find our bus stop!!!

This is the right stop..... but which bus though?

So many buses......!!

Here's ours!!!  It's the number 59!!!

They got a floppy disc too!!!

We're crossing the Thames again!!!

That's the side of Somerset House!!!  They have art expeditions there!!!

We're going up Southampton Row now.....

There's lots of fancy buildings down here!!!

Including this one, Africa House!  It's got lions on it!!!

Like I said, fancy buildings!!!

We spotted a couple of statues on top of this building - but they're covered in green netting.  Maybe someone's worried they'll fall off???

Then we saw a building with a muriel on it!!!


We swapped over to the other side of the bus a bit later, when some other passengers got off.  We found a Chinese lion!!!

And tied another floppy disc on this side as well!!

And there's a pretty little park too!

Oh I think I know where we are now!!  We're coming onto the Euston Road!!!  Euston Station is the next stop and that's where we get off!!

We then had a short walk and left a CD on a railing!

And there's the British Library with Kings Cross on the other side!!!

We went into the British Library courtyard and left a bookcrossing book on a bench.

And left a floppy disc here!!

We found a pretty snail too, but decided to leave him there.  

We decorated a bike too!!

Ah yes.  Time to head home.....

And we're going in here to get our train home!!

We stopped in at Fortnum and Masons to do a spot of shopping.  We won't show you later because it could be a surprise something for somebody......!!! hehehehee!

We used the facilities, left a floppy disc and washed our paws carefully.

Then made our way to the station platform.  We only had to wait a few minutes for our train!!

And we got a window seat!!

...... and tied a floppy disc to the hand grip!!

We arrived at Blackfriars train station - but we didn't get off here!!

There's the Shard over there!!!

And we're going past Borough Market here!!!  We pressed the shutter instead of the "video record" button!!!


We're in the countryside now!!! this bit....!!

Those are the south downs over there!!

And we arrived back in Brighton!!!

We went off to get our bus - and there's one due already!  HURRAH!!

They got the last floppy disc of this trip!!

We got off here and had a short walk home!

When we got online to blog our trip, we found that Sandy Bear had rescued Navy Beanie!!!
Navy's been found!!!  He's alive!!!  Oh I'm so happy, I gotta get back to Canada to see him!!!
Oh but I've had such a lovely time in England visiting Beanie and the gang..... but I want to see Navy again.....


  1. Hooray!!! What a great adventure!!! And no crowds to speak of it seems. No lunch out there in the world? And where's that thing you boughted from Fort Mason?
