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Wednesday 25 December 2019

Christmas Day!

It's Christmas Day today...... we're opening all our presents!  We started with the biggest one from Arnty Helena!

Coo, this is a big box!!  What is it??


It's an LED table lamp!!!  We've been wanting one of these for ages!!!  How did Arnty Helena know??!!

We had a good look at it.....

Cooo..... this is brilliant!!!

We also got this weird looking thing!  What is it?????

Oh!  It's a strange looking cayke tin!  Are we going to make caykes then?

Looks a bit like a giant jelly mold, doesn't it?!??!!

Then we opened this one - it's from Arnty Bev

It's a Portland calendar!!!!  Just want I always wanted!!!!!!!

Then we opened another big prezzie - it's from Andrea's brother & his wife.

Oh wow!  It's a big book!

It's all about Californian paintings!

We also got a book from Sullivan McPig!!!  It's about our great great grand uncle Samson!
He's a legend!!

That'll be an interesting book to read!

Then we opened the last box - this is from Arnty Diane!!

What is it????

OH!!  It's a care package!!!!!

We got a Yottie Bear Badge!!!  Bob and Sir Woodstock have these too!

We got tea and chocolate and a birdy transfer picture!!

And a pair of Bear Socks for Andrea!!!

Andrea also got a big bar of chocolate!

And we got a selection of mouse sized chocolate!

Later on, we went for a long walk.....

We found a 5p coin on the way!!  That's MINE!

There's a big Christmas tree in Palmeira Square!!

We hung up a poppy windchime on the way!

We put another one here as well!

Someone painted a doggie on a rubbish bin!  Doggies aren't rubbish though.  Doggies are brilliant!

This is where Andrea's parents live!  We're going to have lunch with them!

They got pretty decorations by the entrance!

After we gave them our presents, we started to get lunch on the table!


We all completely stuffed our faces!!!
It was quite exhausting, eating all that food!  Then it was home time - so we walked back through the park.....

We left our last poppy windchime here on the way back....

There's a bear!

These are some of the prizes we got out of the christmas crackers!

We got lots of ribbon too!

We got some glue pens too!

And some felt tip pens - hurray!

And another box of chocolates!  Hurrah!

We also got a snowflake box!

It has an Amazon gift voucher in it!!!
Oh what a fun day!

Hope you all had a heap of fun, as well.....!


  1. Wow! Quite the presents you guys got! Merry Christmas... is it true that "... all through the house, not a creature was stirring... not even a mouse..."?

    1. I sort of thought not... whoever wrote that poem must notta known mice very well!

  2. Some great presents! Did you have any figgy pudding this year?
