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Thursday 26 October 2023

Pumpkin carving

We got a pumpkin this week!!!  It's time to enter Jerry and Ben's Halloween contest!!!

Right, first we have to do a lobotomy on it.....

Here we go...... now to scoop out all the brains.  Bit of a mucky job this bit.

Phew.... now then.  Surgery.  There's one eye done..... phew this is hard work....!

Now we've got the mouth to do.....

HA!!  Think we've cracked it!!!


He's even got nubbly teef!!

Scary huh?!?!

Afterwards we roasted the pumpkin seeds with Garlic/parsley salt..... yummy!!

1 comment:

  1. You always make the best pumpkins! So scary looking! Garlic and parsley salt... interesting.
