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Sunday 17 September 2023

Shaun the Sheep in Brighton!!

We've been going out for walks lately and discovered there's a Shaun the Sheep trail around town!!!  But the parrot we found isn't Shaun the Sheep

The first one we saw was Bridget.

That's one side....

And the bum.....

And the other side!!!

Then we found Shaun of the Re-Wilding!

He had lots of flowers on him.

That's his bum....

And the other side!

Next was Dazzle (at the Town Hall.)

That's one side...

And the bum end....

And the other side.

Then we found Wolf in Shaun's Clothing at Hove Museum!

This one's clever!

Somebody called Fiona Blair did this one.

That's the bum.

And that's the other side.

Then we went to the seafront and found an untitled Shaun

That's one side...

And the bum end...

And the other side.

The next one we saw was Postman Shaun on the seafront!!

See?  It says so on his back leg!!

And that's his bum...

And that's other side!  
(See that red brick corner building on the right hand side there?  Andrea used to live in there!!)

On the way back, we met a very friendly cat!

And we stopped to say hallo!

Then we saw Neon Carwash Shaun!

This one's up at the cricket ground!

Oh hallo!  Who's that?

That's his bum....

And that's the other side!

This one's called Shaun Fox

He's Shaun to thrill!!!

That's one side....

And the bum....

And the other side.

And we saw a very pretty building on the way home!!

Yesterday we went down to the Pier to meet up with a friend and we found Captain Shaun the Pirate!

He's got a cutlass on one side....

That's his bum....

And he had a gun on this side!!

After we'd gambled on the Pier we went over to Harry Ramsdens.... we got TWELVE prizes!!
TWELVE I tell you!!

We had a fizzy drink

And fish and chips.

Then we went on a Shaun hunt.  This one is the Shaun Regent

One side....

The bum....

And the other side!

Then we found Bleats and Blossoms.

He's got trees on him!!

And Swallows on his bum!!

And that's the other side.

This one is Shaun the Shapes.....

He's got lots of shapes!!

That's his bum!

And the other side.

We saw some grafitti....

And then we found Happy Planet!!!

There's one side....

And his bum!!

He's got a poem on his bum, too

And the other side...

Then we went over to Brighton Museum and found three mini Shauns!!

And there was a big Shaun too, Regency Shaun!

That's one side.

And his bum

And the other side.

And this is Shaun Le Sheep!!!

He's very pink.

That's his bum.

And the other side.

This one is Shaun in the Clouds.

One side....

his bum...

And the other side

Then we walked a bit further and found Coaster.

He's got the white cliffs on him!!

And that's his bum

And the other side......
And that's all we've found so far...!!

Last week we found "A Round Brighton" Shaun!

He's a stick of rock!!!

Oh he's fun!!

That's his bum end

And the other side....

He's even got the stick of rock labels on his legs!!

Then we found Golden Fleece Shaun.

That's one side

And his bum

And the other side.

We took some close ups of his side....

And by his head!

Then we found Notorious Shaun!

That's one side.

And his bum

And the other side.

He's got lace up sneakers!!!

Then we found Doodle the Sheep out in the Marina!!

That's one side..........

And his bum...

And the other side!!!

1 comment:

  1. Brilliant! Re-wilding is very pretty, WOW, to Wolf in Shaun's clothing, Capt Shaun's great fun too & Coaster is another fav.
