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Sunday, 23 February 2025

And then came home!

                                                                                      Today we got up early because we've got more travelling to do!

But first we came down for breakfast!  We had the continental variety today with kwussants, panno shoko lah, toast wiv butter and jam and some coffee.

Then we went back to our room and packed our stuff up and checked out.  I got another rubber stamp in my passport too!

Then we went off to the bus stop just outside the hostel where we got off yesterday!

And we got another C10 bus!

And we're off!!

And we got off at the last stop, Canada Water!  We came here wiv Bob and Sam once!!  That was fun!!

Now, we're getting the Tube now!!!

We're going this way?

And got off here!!  We had to change trains and get the Central Line.

And we got off here!!  Then we met Andrea's friend Phil and walked up to where we were going.


We're at another Shamanic drumming do!!

And there's a sacred buffalo skin today.  Apparently we're all getting a "buffalo hug" later on"

After a long day doing that, we walked back to the underground station and came here, and then changed to the Victoria Line.....

And got to Victoria Station JUST IN TIME for our train home!  We had three minutes to spare AND we got a window seat!  The train was rammed!!

There's Battersea Power Station!  And it's just started raining!

We're crossing the Thames again

We both had a bit of a snooze and we got off at Hove train station!!

And then we had to run home in the rain!
What a fun weekend!!!

Saturday, 22 February 2025

We went to London

Well today, after we got our chores done, Andrea said we're going away for the weekend!!
We'd normally come up for the day but because they're doing something to the train tracks between Brighton and Gatwick, all the trains are going the other way to Littlehampton first and THEN going to London and it takes twice as long as normal!  So we're saying over somewhere tonight!

So.... here we are on a train to Littlehampton and London!

It was very busy on the train and we finally got into London!

Here we are crossing the Thames!

Right ho..... what bus are we getting?

Here's our stop!

It's the C10 bus!

They got a CD!

There's the Pimlico stop!

And there's that fancy art deco building!!

And we're on a bit of a diversion now.....

Round past Parliament....

And crossed over Westminster Bridge!

Tate Modern's in that direction!

And we got off here at the Youth Hostel!!!

We're on the top floor again and we've got a bed each!!!

Oh this is fun!

Not bad for a view.... we got our own bathroom too.

We decided to go for a little walk since we'd been sitting on trains and buses all day....

So we went to visit the duck pond.  It's nice round here.

Then we went to the Thames!  The tide's out too!!

Just like being at the beach!


Oh how sad....

I guess there was lots of flowers on there at one point....

We saw the Pilgrim statue again

That dog reminds me of Dylan the Staffie terrier that lived near us.

There was an information panel nearby too

And then we went back to our room for a little snooze

THEN we got hungry!!

First we left a CD on this railing for someone.

And put a floppy disc here!

Oh I remember that from last time!

There's the Brunel Museum!

We left a floppy disc here too!!

And had a ride on their steam train!!

Hope Sufferance?  Wonder what that's about?
Then we arrived at Simplicity restaurant for dinner!

We got a glass of wine....

And a steak with pepper sorce and chips and veggies.  It was proper nom!!

And for pudding, we got a chocolate fondant cayke with a gooey chocolate middle and a pot of cream!!

Now THAT is a pudding!!!!!

After we'd stuffed our faces, we toddled back to the hostel and looked at the pretty lights.

We left another CD here too!


I'm exhaustipated.