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Sunday, 22 December 2024

An Expedition and Christmas sightseeing

Andrea got me up silly early today and took me out..... it was really windy and cold, too!!

We ended up at the train station!!  Are we going somewhere?

We are!!!  The train was silly busy so we didn't get any photos but we're in London!  And that's our bus stop down there....!

And that's our bus just arriving!!  QUICK!  RUN!!!

It's the C1 bus!!

We gave them a floppy disc!

And we're off!!

OOOooo!!  All the shops have their Christmas decorations up!!

They're pretty!

That's Sloane Square, with lots of fairy lights in all the trees!

Oh wow!

So pretty....!

That's a posh hotel there.

Oh wow!!

It's Horrids!!

They've done tons and tons of decorating down here!!

We got off here at the Victoria and Albert Museum!

we left another floppy disc here.....

We're going to see an expedition called The Great Mughals.  They're Indian.

It's about the artists and goldsmiths back in the time of the Taj Mahal.

We had a bit of time to spare before the museum opened so we left a CD here.

A few minutes later, we got in..... and saw a weird neon light thing!

Then we bought our ticket and went off to the expedition.... those are pretty mosaics!

Aha, down here!

We took loads of pictures here.....!

Interesting lighting on the floor!

That's made from Agate stone......

They had a video of the Taj Mahal too!

And ceramics....
Including tiles...... plus loads more.  We'll make another post with all the pictures we took!

After visiting one of the gift shops (we'll show you later) we borrowed the facilities and left a CD on the door!  Then we washed our paws carefully.

On the way to the main gift shop we stopped at a smaller exhibition which had some really weird shoes in it!!

REALLY weird!!

Then we went back to the main hall and saw Dale Chihuly's chanderlier.

And then went out into the sunshine!  That was a really good expedition!!

We went this way....

Towards South Kensington Station.

We found another manhole cover!

And a Christmas tree!!

Good, innit?!

I found another relative!!!

I want that phone...!!

By now we were ravenously hungry so we came here for lunch!

We had a fizzy drink to start....

And a Nettuno pizza which was scrumptious!!!

After lunch we came to this bus stop to continue our Bus Bingo game.

First we got the number 360!

we gave them a CD!

And we're off!!

That's the Natural History Museum over there!!

We got off here, at the last stop!  That's the Royal Albert Hall over there!!

We need to go this way now

And cross the road - that's the Prince Albert Memorial thingy in Hyde Park

Aha - there's our bus stop!

we left a floppy disc here...

And then got the Bus 52!

They got a CD too!

OH!!!  That's the Household Cavalry!!!  They're the ones in fancy uniform that ride around on horseback in all those Royal Parade things!!

OH!  And a polar bear!!

More pretty decorations.....

We got off here at Hyde Park Corner.

And then got the number 9.  This one was heaving busy so we didn't get any photos.

We got off here at the Royal Academy.... that's Burlington Arcade there.

We decided to walk up Bond Street to see the decorations - we'll put highlights in here but do a separate post with all the pictures in.

Oh!!  That's a fun tea service!

That's Tiffany's

oh wowzers!

Oh gosh, this is fun!

WOW!!!  That's the Cartier shop!


Oh this is well fun!



We left a floppy disc here, this display needed a bit of help.

They got parrots here!!

Then we walked back towards Piccadilly.

Posh innit?!

And here's our bus stop!

Now we're getting the number 38!

They got a CD too!

We're coming towards The Ritz now....

And we got off here, at Victoria station..... it's time to do home!

Our train was waiting for us.... there's Battersea Power Station over there!

We're crossing the Thames!

And we're home!!

We got the last bus of the day

And got off at the last stop!

We got some nommy Bis Kwits

And some postcards.

That was a brilliant expedition....

We got some new woodblocks too

And Andrea got some more bubble bars.  She's weird that way.

We opened out advent calendars (finally!)


That's today's package!!

It's a tea bag!  Let's have a cuppa!

We also got this one as well.
What a fun day out!!

1 comment:

  1. Excellent adventure!! Those stores really go all out on Christmas decor don't they? Fancy!
