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Sunday 26 November 2023

Buses, lunch and diversions.....

Today we got up really early which is weird for a Sunday.....

And waited to get a bus.... not long now.

We ended up at the train station!!!  We're going on a trip somewhere??

OOOooo they got the Christmas tree up!  Where's ours?

Our train was waiting so we got on and gave them a floppy disc!!

We got a window seat as well!

It's chilly today and there was a frost on the grass outside.

Oooo that's Millwall football stadium there....

And there's the Shard in the distance!!

We got off the train at the next stop and used the facilities first..... they got fun cubicle doors!!

Each one is different!!

Even on the inside too!!  We left a CD for the next person and then washed our paws forever.

Then we had to find the way out!  You can see the dome of St Paul's Cathedral there!!

We made it!!  We're outside London Bridge Station!!

They had some strange sculptures outside....

And that one as well!

We left a CD on that one!

And then walked down to the main road - that's Southwark Cathedral bonging away....

That's Borough Market over the road..... but we're not going there.

We're going over here to the bus stop!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the number 47 bus!!!

They got a CD too!

And then we went over the bridge!

And we got off here at Liverpool Street Station - having spotted Leadenhall Market on the way and not being quick enough to take a picture!!

Luckily our next bus uses the same bus stop......

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  It's the number 205!!!

They got a floppy disc....

We spotted lots of grafitti along the way including this one....

And this one.....

And then we spotted a lighthouse through the door glass!  I know where we are now!!

Kings Cross Station!!!

We had to walk down the road to find the next bis stop..... it wasn't down this road although this floor grafitti was.

Then we went down here to try the next street.....

AHA!!!  This is the stop!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!!  It's the 214!!!

They got a floppy disc too!!

And off we went - and saw more grafitti!

And some interesting mosaic thingies about the windows there....

Bit fuzzy close up, but you get the idea.....

They got posh buildings along here.

And we got off at the very last stop in Highgate Village!!

Posh building for a school huh?

We had a short walk past a church and some shops - and spotted these wreaths!  Pretty huh?

They got a Christmassy one as well!

And then we spotted that building with the dark blue awning.... you see?  With the white van in front of it?
That's the Turquoise Restaurant and we're having lunch in there!!

First we got a fizzy drink.

Then we got a chicken....... belti?  Belyi?  Something like that - but it's chicken wrapped in flatbread with a tomato sauce smothered over the top and some rice and a yoghurt based dip and it was scrumptious!!!!
We're coming back here again!!

We borrowed their facilities too and left a CD and then washed our paws forever.

After lunch we went out for another little walk..... this way!

Down Swains Lane!!

We're popping into Highgate Cemetery!!

We had to pop into the little gift shop to get prizes for "somebody" who recently won a couple of lines.... but the prizes were eaten by a zombie postman.  We can't show you what the prizes are (obviously!) but "somebody" will no doubt tell all eventually!!
We also spotted some more Celtic Cross headstones....

It's very creepy in there.  We want to go back for a proper look round like when Sandy Bear was here but we want Sandy Bear or Sullivan McPig to come with us.

It would so much more fun if they came with us..... Somebody from the Titanic is buried here, you know.

We carried on walking down the hill a bit and left a CD tied to a railing.
(This one's been claimed already!!!)

There's another Celtic Cross....

....and another one!!

And some more!

Then we walked through this fake Tudor estate.....

That's the view from the top of the hill.  It started to drizzle a bit now, and there's low flying cloud.

And we arrived at the bus stop on the other side of the estate!

BUS BINGO ALERT!!  It's the 214 again!!

They got a CD too

We only went one stop to get the next bus AND IT WAS RIGHT IN FRONT OF THE ONE WE GOT OFF!!
BUS BINGO ALERT!  It's the number 88 bus at the start of its' route!!  How exciting!

See?  There's Parliament Hill Fields bus stop!

They got a floppy disc

Where does this go then?

Ooo that's a bit posh...

Oh look!  That's a mosaic on that building!!

And more grafitti.....

There's some christmas decorations up, there!!

And here too!

Oh, pretty!

Ooo a famous person was born there....

That's the BBC Radio building!!!  That was our Art Deco entry for Sandy Bear's art deco conttest!!

Andrea's Mum used to work in there ages ago....

This is  Oxford Circus, it's really busy here!

Ooo, now Andrea says that's a famous shop but she can't remember which one. It might be Liberties....

And we went past Hamley's toy store too!!

More christmas lights!!

There's more christmas lights there too!!

But then there was an announcement on the bus saying there was a diversion away from Trafalgar Square!!!  Which is where we were going to get the next bus!!!  Instead the bus went down Piccadilly towards Green Park so we got off here instead....

Now, if Trafalgar Square is snarled up, then all the buses are on diversion..... we decided to get the Underground instead!!
(Eds note: turns out there was a massive March against anti-semitism on today that likely ended up at Trafalfar Square....)

The Underground was packed like sardines so we didn't get any pictures until we got off the other end!

And then we had to figure out which way to go.

There's a spaceship above the underground exit!!!

AHA!  I know where to go now!!

Here we are!  Time to go home!!


There's the new Christmas tree again!

We didn't have to wait long for our bus either....!

They got the last CD of the day!

And we got a window seat!!

We're coming into Blackfriars Station here..... and you can see twinkly lights in the distance!

And here we're going over Borough Market towards London Bridge.....

And finally we made it back home!!

There was a bus waiting for us outside too!

And 20 minutes later we got off here and dashed home!!

We got some Noo Gaaah from Laduree.....

....which we nibbled on a bit on the train because we were hungry!

And we also got a cayke!!!
What a fun day out!!!