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Monday 8 March 2021

A Graffiti hunt

When Andrea finished work today, we went out for a little walk.  We took a different route though, and left some more CDs!

Andrea dropped me on the pavement after we hung up this one, and ALMOST LEFT ME!!!  But she did pick me up and promise me a big slice of chocolate fudge cayke when we got home, so I might still squeak to her.  Maybe.

A bit further on, we found a brilliant graffiti'd eagle!!!

Isn't he just fab!!

We left this one here.....

Oh wow!!!  Those are really pretty!

We put this one here!

Then we found a graffiti rat with a pair of pliers!!!  Wonder what he's trying to get into!

We left the last one here!  I really like the ones with dangly necklaces on them!
They're fun!

Then it was just a little walk home!
Choccie fudge cayke time!!



  1. That Eagle is amazing. Bravo to the artist.

  2. Nice eagle!! Isn't it nice to be out in the fresh air...
