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Sunday, 10 June 2012

Manga giveaway update!!!

 OK..... not many takers on this years' manga giveaway!!!  Sullivan was the only one to ask for the Manga books so I shall send both his preferences later this week.  Lesa in Florida asked for anything that's not the DVDs, so I'll sent her the other book from last year.  Which means we still have available the DVD shown above which is ONLY PLAYABLE ON EUROPEAN MACHINES!

Also I have two copies of this Anime DVD, again this is ONLY PLAYABLAE ON EUROPEAN MACHINES

Lastly, is this PSP game.  Well, actually it's four discs I believe of the same Monster Hunter game.

I don't mind splitting this if you only want one disc or I can send you all of them for you to distribute amongst your friends.


  1. Yay! Thank you!
    I also got your Turner card btw. Thanks :-)
    And I'm going to send you some stuff soon.

  2. Thank yu for the Turner postcard sent to me too!
    I sent yu awl wun today wiv me on it! Wa-hey!

  3. A Bob T Bear Postcard?!? how thrilling!! That's better than the "bears shit in the woods" postcard you sent me!!

  4. Not sure if I'm supposed to comment on this or the actual giveaway post!, But I would love the Eurekan dvd and one of the monster hunter PSP games to surprise my sister!, Shame I was to late for the books :)

  5. Here is fine, Grace! I've emailed you already for your address!

  6. Well, this time I've not asked for the giveaway because we are not fans of manga, but many thanks indeed!
    Kisses :)

  7. Thank you so much eagerly waiting :)
