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Sunday, 24 July 2011

We Met Winston!!!

 Last week, Andrea took me and Tango out for the afternoon.  It was pouring with rain so me and Tango stayed in Andrea's bag because Tango doesn't like getting his ears wet.  It's a bear thing apparently.  But Andrea took some pictures for me and saw these fancy tiles that are really old!

 She also saw some more funny graffitti!!!

 They even painted plug sockets at the bottom!!!

 After we arrived at Andrea's friends house, Andrea got us out and we met Winston the labrador!!  He was SOOOOO excited to see us, he dribbled on my ears!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

 Winnie showed us the kitchen so we could make some tea!!
Afterwards, Andrea went upstairs with her friend to sort out the Crafting Room and me, Tango and Winnie looked at Andrea's photo album from when she went to Las Vegas.  (Andrea's friend is going there next year!)

 Later on, Andrea came downstairs again and had cuddles with Winnie.  He likes cuddles!!

 When we got home, we found that Andrea's friend had given us lots of stuff to play with....

And we found a pair of socks inside the blue bag!
We made Andrea wear them straight away!!!


  1. What a nice looking dog! We love dogs too! Our dog Boo though is much smaller than Winston; he's more our size (hehe).

  2. The Labrador seems to be a very friendly dog! I hope you had a very good time there :)

  3. You're very brave! I stay away from dogs as I think they're too slobbery

  4. I think it is autumn here - it's very chilly!!

  5. Yeah we Bears hayte to get our ears wet! It's troo!

    I think yu ar very brayve to be arownd a doggy hooz mowth is the sayme size as yu ar!


  6. Well, dog did get rather excited when we first met him, but Andrea made sure he didn't eat us! He was very well behaved really. Apart from the dribbling!!!
