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Tuesday, 18 January 2011


I think I might have discovered a new hobby!

It's on which is a bit like Geocaching which I think Hammie did once. On this letterboxing website, it shows you how to make your own letterbox which you can hide somewhere (in a city) and then you can leave a clue on the website to help people find it!!

I think I might make a Special Beanie Mail Art one!! Or lots to leave in different cities when I go on holiday!!! Maybe Hammie and Sullivan know some places we can hide a box??!?!


  1. Hmmm, I'll think on it. Maybe my co-worker Patricia knows as she goes on geocaching hunts a lot.

  2. Oh that sounds fun!! Letterboxing boxes are slightly bigger, I think, and some of them have treasure inside, that you can swap for something of yours. The notebook in them is for rubberstamps though.... I'm going to make a treasure letterbox!
