Two weeks ago, Andrea said she was taking me to a Pick Nick with some friends of her. We're going to Pick some Nicks? I wonder what Nicks get used for? Andrea made me wear my brown Scarf that I found because it was Chilly. We hung one of my CDs in a tree on the way, too!
And then we had to get Bus. And the Sun came out so it wasn't Chilly any more!
We got off Bus at Pavilion Gardens. I've never been here before.... we were early, so we had a wander round.
I tied one of my postcards to this bench!
And I left a Piece of Cheese on this railing! It even matches!
We tied this Postcard here - Andrea says that someone visited my blog already saying they found it!
We then had a look at Royal Pavilion. This was built by somebody called Prinny who was a bit bonkers. But because he's in Royal Family, that's kind of understandable!
We then noticed that an Oom Pah Band were going to play!!
How exciting!
Shall we stop here to Pick Nicks? It's shady here, so we won't get sunburnt.
Then Andrea's friend Erika turned up with some of her friends and brought all this food with her! They said that Pick Nick is where you eat lots of food out in a garden in the sun!!
OH!! It's like a Bar Bee Queue then? Except there's no fire? Oh, I get it!
I like Pick Nicks!!!
Andrea brought some Pommy Granite juice to drink. She shared hers with me and it was yummy!
We all noticed this doggy having a ride on a bicycle!!
Here's me and Erika, whose Pick Nick it was! She's gone to a place called New Zealand to see her friends' wedding and is then going to another place called Australia. She's Special Agent Erika now because she's going to lose some of my cards for me!
I like Erika!! She's coming back though, she says.
A few hours later, after lots of eating, drinking and laughing (I even had a dance with someone called Tazzie, to the Oom Pah Band!!) Me and Andrea had to go home. I put my scarf back on because it went Chilly again, and then waved goodbye.
I'll miss Erika.
We got another Bus to go home....
And saw this pretty flower in our street!
Then Andrea told me we had a piece of Wall Nut Cake to eat!
She let me have all the icing to myself!!
I like Wall Nut Cake icing!
I like Pick Nicks, too!
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