On Friday, Andrea said we were going out on a Special Trip!!
We had to get a bus somewhere....
And got off here!!
While we were waiting for The Vikster, we saw s Storm Trooper!!!
We had a quick play on the piano and then when Vikster arrived, we got on the train.
And we're off!!!
We're going over the Thames now!
When we arrived at Victoria Station, we waited for Ninja Bev to arrive and then we went and got the bus.
We had to get the C2 bus from here.....
When it arrived, we all sat at the back and I tied a tag to the rail!
We saw some interesting stuff on the way.....
Like this green Alien!
And a Lion!!
This is Regents Street and they had flags all the way down it!!
And then we got off here. Where are we going then??
I've never been to the Zoo!!
We had to walk through Regents Park....
And then we got to the entrance!
I'm so excited!
We got our ticket!!!!
We found some lizards!!!!!
We went into the reptile house and saw some snakes but we didn't take any pictures.
But then we decided to eat our Pick Nick lunch!!! We had loads of food - Ninja Bev brought the sarnies, Vikster brought the sossidge rolls and we brought the scotch eggs and brioche.
THEN Andrea had to close her eyes while they got a surprise ready.
We all sang too an it was funny!!! It was a yum cayke too, Andrea let me lick the icing off.
Then we went to wave at all the animals. There's Emu.
There's Kangaroo but he's asleep.
There's a bird of some kind....
And a Bloo bird!!!
Then we had our pictures taken with some gorillas.
Suits them.....!!
There's a real gorilla sitting over there....
He's having a snooze too!
Then we met a tiger!!
He's asleep as well though....
Ah he's nice though.....
Hahaha - just kidding!!!
We said hello to the donkeys next.
And then went to the Llama Farm.
There's some lions there....
Then we made use of the facilities and left them a tag as a thank you note!
Me, Fatty Ratty and Tulip are sitting in this picture. Can you see us?!?!
We're near the back feet of the lion on the right....!
Then we all stopped for an icecream. We had a mint choccie chip one, it was lovely!
There's a big sign there that says animal adventure!
What an amazing colour!
Then we met some monkeys!
Then we went to the aquarium and saw some upside down jellyfish!
And a bloo fish and a yellow fish!
The rats were sleeping so we didn't disturb them
Those are orange frogs!
Then we met the parrots!!!
That's a Hyacinth Macaw!
Then we went to the butterfly house - this was amazing!
That's a moth!! A real one!!
And then we went to see the Penguins! They were speedy little beggars!
And then we met a hippo!
That's a real hippo but it's a pygmy one - not one of the huge enormous ones.
Then we said hello to the giraffes!
That's an Okapi!!
There's a hyena!
And then we went to see the Lemurs! They were lovely!!!
After that we went to compare a few Meerkats......
After that, we stopped off at the giftshop (I'll tell you about that later!) and then decided we were all pooped so we made our way back through Regents Park to the bus stop.
There's that silly cow looking for a boat. Doesn't she know we're nowhere near the Thames?
We saw a posh lamp too....
Well, here's our bus stop.... we had to wait a bit but then the bus came.
That's the BBC Radio building....
With the front doors on the corner!
And this is Oxford Circus - it's packed like sardines there!!!
When we arrived at the station, we decided to stop for a drink first....
So we had an iced coffee. It was rather yum!
Then we went to check on our train but they weren't putting the platform numbers up. Five minutes before the train was due to leave, they made a platform announcement over the tannoy and we had to run all the way!!! We were even MORE pooped!!!
But then we were off going over the Thames again!
We had a lovely day today, it was brilliant!!!
But we're all completely exhaustipated......
And we're back at Brighton!
We said goodbye to Vikster and then got a bus home.....
And it was starting to get dark as we were walking home from the bus stop.....
Ninja Bev and Vikster got Andrea a present at London Zoo gift shop!!!!!
It's a big fleece with a tiger on it, and it fits me perfickly!
Andrea says the Tiger is her favourite animal.
After me, of course....!!
But wasn't that nice of Ninja Bev and Vikster!!!