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Thursday, 27 October 2011

Beanie's Birthday Weekend, Day Four

 On Monday, it was our last day on holiday in London...... and our last breakfast atthe Y outh Hostel!!  We had cornflakes, toast, blackberry jam, fruit juice and coffee.
It was yum! 

Then we had to pack everything up, hand our room key in at reception (we asked for a new rubber stamp for Beanie's passport!!!  - they don't actually offer to do the rubber stamps, so if you want one, you have to ask) and then we headed off for the bus stop round the corner.

 And then got the number 11 back to Victoria Station.  We didn't want to go home, we had so much fun!

 Well, here we are, with time to spare!

 Andrea had to spend a penny (That's "taking a poo" in Bob-speak!!!)  We tied a tag to the door while we were there!

And then got the train back home!!  Tango decided to look out of the window this time!

 And here we are walking home from the station!!!

 Andrea gave us a surprise when we got home!  It turns out when we went to Horrids, she bought us a box of Macarons for Beanie's birthday!!!!!  We got MORE birthday cake!!!!  Andrea also got a pink box for Bob and Dilly's Mum too, with pink and brown macarons in (they didn't have any blue ones)

 We also got a mini pumpkin from Bob and Dilly's Mum, to carve a face in for halloween!!

 We had mail waiting for us too!  We got a postcard from Hammie's holiday and a birthday card from Jerry and Ben!!!

And here's the lasted stamp in my passport!!!  Good, huh?!
What a fab weekend.....!


  1. The stamp is very nice! I'm very happy you had so wonderful holidays :)

  2. I loveit when they do stamps - a touch of the old way of doing things..
