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Saturday, 21 August 2010

A day out in Shoreham

A couple of weeks ago, we went to Shoreham for the day with a friend of Andrea's. First of all, we lost an ATC on a lamp post!

then we had to drive over to Shoreham!!

After we parked the car, we went for a walk past this pretty church.

We even met a Famous Football player for the England team!!
He was telling me about a Cafe that he runs called Teddy's.

It's run by lots of Bears!!
Bob T Bear would love it here!!!

 We started walking down a scarey bridge, but Andrea couldn't make it to the other side. She can't cross bridges where you can see through the sides.... she can't go up fire escape stairs either, because she can see through the stairs. It scares her, you see.

So instead we went back to see a Museum all about the fishing and boating industry in the area. It was really interesting!!

 We saw this chap over the road!! he's funny!!

Then we went for lunch at Teddy's!! The food was YUMMY!!

After lunch, we drove over the river and went for a walk by the boats.

This one had flowers in it!

Those shutters are really pretty too.....!

We found another Muriel too!

We even saw some houseboats!! People live here!

and so does this cat! He was friendly!

There's another houseboat...!

then we went for a walk by the sea to do some scavenging.

It's WINDY!!!

I found a pencil and lost of drift wood and an oyster shell!

There's even plants that grow on stones!!!

Andrea's friend found a Wish Stone! That's a stone that has a hole through it - you write a wish on a piece of paper, roll up the paper and jam it through the hole in the stone and then throw the stone as far out into sea as you can. But if the paper falls out before it hits the water, it won't work.
I hope her wish stone comes true...

Then it was time to drive home!
What a lovely day out!

When we got home, Andrea showed me the lemon cake she'd bought at Teddy's!

We found so much drift wood on the beach today!! It'll be fun painting and carving stuff on it!

We even found a wish stone too!!
We'll have to write our wish on a piece of paper now!

We also found a shell to listen to!


  1. Wat a grayte day! I havent been to Shoreham but I've seen pikchers ov it cos my frend Phytheas Bear has been thare. I remember seeing Teddy's! THat cat looks like Miss Fluffy.
    Mummy is no good with fire escapes ware yu can see throo the stairs iver. She sez her neez go funny an her nek goze stiff. Sownds like she terns into a giraffe!

    Ooo! OO! I wud luv wun ov Tango's scarfs by the way! How nice ov him to offer! I don't mind wat culler. It's very nice ov him! If I caN GET him -oops sorry caps lok- if I can get him sumthing in return arsk him to let me noe!


  2. You got to go to the beach too! how cool. And my owner says she can understand about the openstaircase thingy, she's definitely not fond of those either.

    I gave you an award:

  3. OH!!! Right, well I have a package ready to send to Bob and Dilly so I'll put one of Tango's scarves in it and now I shall go get my award!!! How exciting!!

  4. I think the idea of the wish stone sounds sweet!

  5. What a fun adventure! Houseboats and kitties and muriels. It's all wonderful! Thank you for sharing your wanderings with us. I love them.
