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Sunday 11 December 2016

A trip around Brighton.....

Andrea brought us into town today to visit the Royal Pavillion!!!

Jelly Beanie's never been in there.....

They've got Christmas!!!!!

Oh how exciting!!!!
(Andrea had her art pass with her so we got in free!!)

Normally, we're not allowed to take photos inside here but this year, they've got a bunch of Christmas trees in the Music Room and we're allowed to have our picture taken with them!
Can you see us?!?!

They're very pretty trees.....

We're hiding in this one!

Andrea cheated and took this picture as well when no-one was looking!!!

After that, we walked down to the seafront!

Are we going on the Pier???!

There's a roasted chestnut vendor!!!

And a tree!!!

AND A MARKET!!!  Let's go!!

We had to walk through the arcade games bit first.....

One of the stalls had a dragon on it!!!  There were chocolate stands, honey stands, drinks stands, cheesey biscuits stands, all sorts!!  We spent some money....

And then made our way back to the bus stop.

That's the roof in the arcade pavilion....

When we got home, we unpacked our stuff.  That's our choccie....

That's our cheesey biscuits.  (They're yumtastic!)

AND THEN, on the way home, we found a bunch of stuff by a communal rubbish bin!
Two sheets of tissue paper....

And four glass bottles!!!

Aren't they pretty!!!!

I think we'll wash these out and then donate them to the Terrier doggie auction that we donate to on Facebook!

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